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  2. How to compare floats for almost-equality in Python?

    The round_to function uses the format method from the built-in str class to round up the float to a string that represents the float with the number of decimals needed, and then applies the eval built-in function to the rounded float string to get back to the float numeric type.

  3. 509. How do I format a floating number to a fixed width with the following requirements: Leading zero if n < 1. Add trailing decimal zero (s) to fill up fixed width. Truncate decimal digits past fixed width. Align all decimal points. For example: % formatter something like '{:06}'.

  4. I read each one, and once I convert them to float and append them to a list. Now in Python 2, calling float(-3.65) returns -3.65. In Python 3 however, float(-3.65) returns -3.6499999999999999 which loses its precision. I want to print the list of floats, [-3.6499999999999999, 9.1699999999999999, 1.0] with 2 decimal points only.

  5. isinstance(yourNumber, float) # returns True if it's a float. Notice that Python 2 has both types int and long, while Python 3 has only type int. Source. If you want to check whether your number is a float that represents an int, do this. (isinstance(yourNumber, float) and (yourNumber).is_integer()) # True for 3.0.

  6. I just want to know how to parse a float string to a float, and (separately) an int string to an int. It's good that you ask to do these separately. If you're mixing them, you may be setting yourself up for problems later. The simple answer is: "545.2222" to float: >>> float("545.2222") 545.2222. "31" to an integer:

  7. Instead of using 0 and then you need to handle negative numbers if there is any, float("+inf") and float("-inf") help compare positive or negative infinity like:

  8. python - range() for floats - Stack Overflow

    Python float decimal places. 2. Function for Range for floats in python. 7. Float to Fraction conversion ...

  9. The first two are native i.e. require no dependency. np.inf requires the Numpy package.float('inf') is a bit hacky as it involves parsing a string, but on the upside it does not even require an import and the parsing is typically computationally negligible.

  10. Python provides other distributions if you need. If you have numpy imported already, you can used its equivalent: import numpy as np np.random.uniform(a, b) # range [a, b)

  11. I tried some of the above simple options, using a try test around converting to a float, and found that there is a problem in most of the replies. Simple test (along the lines of above answers): entry = ttk.Entry(self, validate='key') entry['validatecommand'] = (entry.register(_test_num), '%P') def _test_num(P): try: