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  2. EDISON (Education Information System on Net) je celouniverzitní informační systém (IS) pro podporu výuky. Z důvodů aktualizace systému nemusí být IS EDISON přístupný v pátek lichého týdne od 7:00 do 8:00 hodin.

  3. VŠB-TUO Login -

    EDISON. You are logging into Single Sign On system (SSO). After a single login, this system enables you to access multiple secured applications (e.g. portal, EPS) using an unique web browser instance.

  4. Edison - studentský portál -

    Specifické pokyny viz dokumentace k prohlížeči. Edison - studentský portál.

  5. VŠB-TUO Login -

    After a single login, this system enables you to access multiple secured applications (e.g. portal, EPS) using an unique web browser instance. As for Username and Password, please use the username and password from LDAP (ie. username and password used for logging reading the mail).

  6. Information system for evidence study and teaching -!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zi...

    Information system for keeping records on study and instruction. EDISON (Education Information System on Net) is a university information system (IS) for supporting instruction. Owing to the system update, IS EDISON may not be available on Fridays in odd weeks from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00.

  7. Edison - student portal!ut/p/z1/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0vMAfIjo8zi...

    Edison - student portal. Přehled aktualit Component Action Menu ${title} ${loading} Actions. Current information 12.08.2024 Timetable of the schedule selection for winter semester 2024/25. Full-time students of all faculties will be able to choose their schedule in the week before the beginning of semester. ...

  8. Edison - studentský portál!ut/p/z0/04_Sj9CPykssy0xPLMnMz0...

    Edison - studentský portál. Přehled aktualit Nabídka akcí komponenty ${title} ${loading} Akce. Aktuální informace 22.01.2024 Harmonogram volby rozvrhu na letní semestr 2023/24. Studenti prezenčního studia všech fakult si budou moci v týdnu před začátkem výuky zvolit svůj rozvrh. ...

  9. Education Information System on Net, zkráceně EDISON, je rozdělený na studentskou a zaměstnaneckou část, obsahuje ale i část pro uchazeče o studium a část pro zájemce o studijní či pracovní výjezd do zahraničí.

  10. Registering at university - VSB-TUO

    Course registration at VŠB-TUO is done online through the University Information System EDISON directly by the student, registration periods prior to the beginning of each academic year are set by each faculty.

  11. EDISON Information System (hereinafter referred to as IS) It is the University information system where the study agenda is kept. Access to the IS is possible from a web browser after entering the login name (login) and password on the site [en].