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  2. To delete a key regardless of whether it is in the dictionary, use the two-argument form of dict.pop():. my_dict.pop('key', None)

  3. Note: for Python 3.7+, see this answer Standard Python dictionaries are unordered (until Python 3.7). Even if you sorted the (key,value) pairs, you wouldn't be able to store them in a dict in a way that would preserve the ordering.

  4. 69. If you want to add a dictionary within a dictionary you can do it this way. Example: Add a new entry to your dictionary & sub dictionary. dictionary = {} dictionary["new key"] = "some new entry" # add new dictionary entry. dictionary["dictionary_within_a_dictionary"] = {} # this is required by python.

  5. If you want both the name and the age, you should be using .items() which gives you key (key, value) tuples:. for name, age in mydict.items(): if age == search_age: print name

  6. 20. The new method to get SHA-1 certificate in Android Studio, is opening Gradle from the elephant icon in the right menu, then select the icon and inside "Run Anything" write: gradle signingReport then Enter. Legacy method in Eclipse. from a Debug Keystore we can get the SHA1 value in Eclipse.

  7. Python's dictionaries have no order, so indexing like you are suggesting (fruits[2]) makes no sense as you can't retrieve the second element of something that has no order.

  8. 1. The sorted function takes an optional argument, key, which is the function used to measure the size of the elements of your list. Thus, in your case, you're sorting a collection of lists by their length. Example: Thus, the function. return range(len(sorted(args, key=len)[0])) Takes any number of iterables and returns a list (not really, a ...

  9. console.log(obj["key"] !== undefined); // false, but the key exists! You should instead use the in operator: var obj = { key: undefined }; console.log("key" in obj); // true, regardless of the actual value. If you want to check if a key doesn't exist, remember to use parenthesis: var obj = { not_key: undefined };

  10. Where do I get SECRET_KEY for Flask? - Stack Overflow

    Set secret key in Flask. Method 1: Use app.secret_key: Method 2: Use app.config: Method 3: Put it in your config file: Then load the config form config file: Should secret key be the same for my Flask application, or should I generate a new one for each user? It's used for your application, not the user.

  11. Context I would like to get Google Maps API key for free usage (below 5000 per year hits), but when I follow the instructions, it seems that providing billing information is mandatory.