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  2. What is the real meaning of Christmas? - Grace to You

    The answer may just surprise you. For many, Christmas is the time to think of Jesus Christ as a baby in a manger. While the birth of Christ is a special and miraculous event, it isn't the prim

  3. Why Don’t Jehovah’s Witnesses Celebrate Christmas? - JW.ORG

    Get the facts: Do Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrate Christmas? What do they believe? Here are 4 reasons for some of their choices.

  4. Holidays and Celebrations - JW.ORG

    Holidays and Celebrations The fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses do not participate in most holiday observances and other celebrations can be somewhat perplexing to a teacher. We hope the following helps you to understand why we take the matter so seriously. Perhaps to a greater extent than you may have realized, many holidays and the customs associated with them have a non-Christian religious ...

  5. The Truth About Christmas - JW.ORG

    The Truth About Christmas DO YOU care about spiritual truth? If so, then perhaps you have asked these questions: (1) Was Jesus actually born on December 25? (2) Who were the “wise men,” and were they really three in number? (3) What sort of “star” led them to Jesus? (4) What does Santa Claus have to do with Jesus and his birth? (5) How does God view the Christmas custom of giving gifts ...

  6. Should Christians celebrate Christmas? - Grace to You

    Scripture doesn't specifically command believers to celebrate Christmas--there are no prescribed 'Holy Days' the church must observe. In fact, Christmas was not observed as a holiday until well afte

  7. History of Christmas Customs: Christian or Not? - JW.ORG

    Christmas has long been described as a traditional Christian festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Many of the customs used in this celebration, however, make us wonder how they came to be associated with Jesus’ birth in the first place. For one thing, there is the myth of Santa Claus. The modern-day jolly, white-bearded, rosy-cheeked ...

  8. The Theology of Christmas - Grace to You

    To put it mildly, Christmas is a little bit confusing to the watching world, I’m pretty sure. I never really get over that. Year after year, I’m struck by the paradoxes of Christmas, the strange jux

  9. Should Christians have Christmas trees? - Grace to You

    We don't think so. Let's look at the two most common objections people make against having a Christmas tree. First, some object on the basis that Christmas trees have pagan origins. It is believed that Boniface, English missionary to Germany in the eighth century, instituted the first Christmas tree. He supposedly replaced sacrifices to the god ...

  10. The Real Meaning of Christmas - Grace to You

    If you want a truly meaningful Christmas season, it stands to reason you need to grasp the true meaning of Christmas. Forget about Jesus and you’ve missed the entire, glorious point of the celebration.

  11. What Are the Facts About Christmas? - JW.ORG

    Millions of people worldwide celebrate Christmas for various reasons. Some enjoy festive times with friends and family. Others think about God or devote time to helping the poor or needy. By themselves, these are undoubtedly worthy deeds. However, they are clouded by the dark side of this holiday. First, many celebrants believe that Christmas is a birthday celebration for Jesus. However ...